The Power of Faith

The Power of Faith

During difficult times staying connected to your faith and church is extremely important and beneficial. During this ongoing pandemic, we can only hope to feel a sense of connection to our church and our religious circle. With many churches unable to hold services because of limitations or fear of illness, and quarantine and curfews a very real thing, it is more important than ever to make sure you don’t feel completely alone. With mental health issues rising and many feeling hopeless or extremely stressed, finding solace in your faith and the higher power above can really help and make all the difference!

Positive Effects Of Religion During Difficult Times

Religious Reframing – not only does reframing do wonders to help people get through stressful times, it also allows you to grow closer to a higher power and can help you to improve the overall quality of your life. Looking at a situation or stressful issue after a little religious reframing can also help to give you a better sense of hope.

Staying Connected – As we mentioned above, many church services and religious gatherings have been halted due to the festering and ongoing pandemic. Oftentimes those of us who go to church or are part of religious groups look forward to getting together with others that match our faith and beliefs. When you aren’t able to come together it can really dampen your mood and spirit. Staying connected through phone chats or video meetings can really make all the difference. Nurture your church relationships and find ways to still connect with your church and others.

Religious Rituals & Prayer – religious rituals and the power of prayer have never been more reassuring. In fact, during difficult times like this pandemic, continuing to invest time and energy into your religious rituals, prayer circles, or simply prayer, in general, can really help you to find strength and endurance in getting through the dark times. 

The most important thing to remember during this pandemic or when immersed in any other difficult or stressful time is to not focus negativity on your faith or in the higher power above. Some may ask why would God do this to me or why would he do this to the entire population. But what you need to remember is that sometimes our struggles and where we are stem from a bigger picture. In fact, many times when you weather the storm you come out of it stronger, more connected to your faith, and better off than when you first felt the darkness begin.



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